Efficient. Affordable. Innovative.
Virtual Minute Books
your portal to a paper free office

Virtual Minute Books
Less Paper
Fewer Problems
All corporations are required by law to create and maintain a "Minute Book" which contains important corporate information. Viceroy Business Services is proud to offer the first virtual minute book experience in Canada. Our skilled virtual minute book consultants will digitize and maintain your corporation's minute books, all at an affordable price.
Want to learn more? watch our video for all there is to know about minute books!

You can send this to us through Email: Viceroybusiness@gmail.com
Getting Started
Registering with Viceroy
To get started with Viceroy Business services, all we need from you is a list of your contact information and the name of your company. Afterwhich, one of our Minute Book Specialists will be in contact with you within 3-5 business days
Or Phone us with the info at
Or you can register

Sign up!
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Proceed to the sign-up page and start your process of going digital.